RTA Bus Maintenance Facility
San Luis Obispo, CA

About the Building

This Project is a Single-Story 28,650-square-foot Bus Maintenance Facility with 2,600+ of Mezzanine/Equipment Platform located on a 6.44 Acre Site. The Building is construction Type V-B, Fully Sprinklered that accommodates operations, administration and maintenance areas with main occupancies S-1 & B, Also A-3 Occupancy as accessory use. There are detached enclosures on site such as the trash enclosure and canopy over bus parking.

What We Did

Flood Area: Zone AE
Per city of San Luis Obispo Municipal Code Section 17.84, All New Non-Residential Structures in Zone AE shall be elevated in such that the Lowest Floor is Elevated One (1) Foot above Base Flood Elevation.

Flood Zone Requirements:
This Property was located in an AE Flood Zone, the water surface or base flood elevation (BFE) of a 100-yr storm is 138.07’ (NGVD 88). The structure had to be constructed to an elevation that is at least one foot above the BFE.
Prior to occupancy or final inspection approval, a Registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor had to complete a F.E.M.A Elevation Certificate and submit the certificate to the City Engineer.

Project Details

Complete Date: 02/2023

Owner: San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority

Type: Plan & Spec

Architect: Stantec

GC: Specialty Construction